Learn italian – Lesson 6 – Conversation at the bar

Learn italian with funny videos – Conversation at the bar


– Conversation at the bar 1

Silvia, posso offrirti qualcosa da bere ?

Si, grazie. Prendo una Coca Cola.

Tu cosa bevi ?

Io prendo una birra. Chiamo il cameriere per ordinare.

– Conversation at the bar 2

Ciao Luigi, come stai ?

Bene grazie.

Beviamo qualcosa ?

Si, io vorrei un vino rosso.

D’accordo, anch’io bevo un bicchiere di vino ma

il bianco.

Avviciniamoci al bancone per ordinare al barista.

-Conversation at the bar 3

Ti posso offrire qualcosa da bere ?

Si, grazie. Bevo un caffè con una bustina di zucchero.

Bene, lo prendo anch’io. Vuoi anche dell’acqua ?

Si, gasata grazie.

Io la preferisco naturale.

– Conversation at the bar 4

Buona sera signori, prendete qualcosa da bere ?

Buona sera, io vorrei un succo d’arancia.
Avete anche qualcosa da mangiare ?

Si, abbiamo panini, tramezzini e toast.
Prendo un panino con pomodoro e mozzarella.

Io vorrei una limonata con ghiaccio e un tramezzino con

prosciutto e formaggio, grazie.

Quanto le devo ?

Paga 11 euro in totale.

Learn italian at the bar


Conversation at the bar 1

Silvia, can I get you something to drink?

Yes thanks. I take a Coke.

What do you drink?

I’ll take a beer. I call the waiter to order.

Conversation at the bar 2

Hello Luigi, how are you?

Fine, thanks.

Let’s drink something ?

Yes, I want a red wine.

Okay, I have a glass of wine but prefer

Let’ go to the counter to order the bartender.
Conversation at bar

Conversation at the bar 3

Can I get you something to drink?

Yes thanks. I drink a coffee with one sugar packet.

Well, I take it too. Do you also want water?

Yes, sparkling thanks.

I prefer natural.

– Conversation at the bar 4

Good evening , do you want something to drink?

Good evening, I’d like an orange juice.
Do you also have something to eat ?

Yes, we have panini, sandwiches and toast.
I take a sandwich with tomato and mozzarella.

I would like a lemonade with ice and a sandwich with ham

and cheese, thanks.

How much do I owe you ?

Should pay 11 Euros in total. Thank you.

Conversation at the bar










⇒Click here to see the video lesson : How to order food in italian

Watch video lesson about Useful italian phrases at the hotel

If you don’t understand something, write a comment below, I will answer as soon as possible.

3 pensieri riguardo “Learn italian – Lesson 6 – Conversation at the bar

  1. When do the “pronomi personali complento”
    go before or after the verb
    For Example sometimes I see
    Posso offrirTI
    but sometimes I see
    TI possi offrire?
    CI vediamo

    I think it depends on the type of sentence, like if it’s a question or an order. Can you clarify?

    Thank You!

    1. Ciao Isabel.
      Exactly!These are pronoun particles. Depending on the phrase or verb, you can put in front or after.
      Usually go before the verb.

      After the verb :
      If there are two verbs in the sentence, imperative or gerund verbs.

      – Passo a prenderTI alle 8
      In this sentence there are two verbs: passare and prendere -IO passo a prendere TE ; then put the pronoun after the verb prendere – prenderTI

      If there is a verb in the imperative:

      – avviciniamoCI al bancone (If you ask a question, it’s before= CI avviciniamo al bancone? )

      – portaMI quel libro (MI porti quel libro ? )

      – spostateVI da li ( Vi spostate da li ?)
      It puts after the verb

      with gerund (ing)

      GuardandoTI sembri molto felice

      The questions :
      TI posso offrire un caffè ? Posso offrirTI un caffè ? both are correct

      I hope I have helped you

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