30+1 Italian love phrases – Video lesson

Italian love phrases for him and for her


Hi friends, in this video lesson I want to talk with you about ” love “. I want to teach you the most beautiful love phrases in italian. As you know, italian is considered one of the most romantic languages in the world. In this lesson, you’ll learn more than 30  italian love phrases that you can use in different situations, with your girlfriend or boyfriend, with your wife or husband or with another person you like.

Are you ready to learn these beautiful italian phrases ?

Let’s watch the video !


Amore è… 500 modi per dirti che sei speciale.

Love phrases in italian with english translation

italian love phrases









Ti amo – I love you

Ti amo tanto – I love you so much

Amore mio – My love

Ti amo con tutta l’anima – I love you with all my soul

Amo solo te – I love you only

Ti adoro – I adore you

Ti voglio bene – I like you / I love you

Ti voglio tanto bene – I like you so much

Mi piaci – I like you

Mi piaci tanto – I like you so much

Sei speciale – You are special

Sei incredibile – You are incredible

Ti penso sempre – I always think of you

Mi rendi felice – You make me happy

Mi manchi – I miss you

Ho bisogno di te – I need you

Non posso vivere senza te – I can’t live without you

Tu sei l’unico uomo per me – You are the only man for me

Tu sei l’unica donna per me – You are the only woman for me

Tu sei la uomo della mia vita – You are the man of my life

Tu sei la donna della mia vita – You are the woman of my life

Sei l’amore della mia vita – You are the love of my life

Sei la mia anima gemella -You are my soulmate

Il mio cuore è solo tuo – My heart is only yours

Sei tutto ciò che voglio – You are everything I want

Con te ogni giorno è meraviglioso – Everyday is wonderful with you

Il nostro amore è più forte di qualunque cosa – Our love is stronger than anything

Sei la cosa più bella che mi sia mai capitata – You’re the best thing ever happened to me

Romantic phrases in italian

Voglio stare con te per sempre – I want to be with you forever

Voglio passare il resto della mia vita con te – I want to spend the rest of my life with you

Vuoi sposarmi ? – Do you want to marry me ?

Si, lo voglio – Yes I want

italian words for love


Ti voglio bene literally means : I want you good or I want your good
It is less strong and yet sweeter than ‘ti amo
“Ti amo” has frequently a more physical and passionate implication, while ‘ti voglio bene’ just deals with feelings. It is more used with siblings, parents and friends than with lovers. But it can also be used with lovers.


Other italian love phrases

Vuoi essere la mia ragazza ? Do you want to be my girlfriend ?

Vuoi essere il mio ragazzo ? Do you want to be my boyfriend ?

Vorrei che tu fossi qui con me – I wish you were here with me

Non vedo l’ora di vederti – I can’t wait to see you

Mi hai cambiato la vita. – You changed my life

Sei bellissimo/a. – You are beautiful

Ho un debole per te. – I’m weak for you.

Sei tutto per me. – You’re everything to me

Sono pazzo/a di te. – I’m crazy about you

Sono innamorato/a di te. – I’m in love with you

Ti penso ogni giorno. – I think about you every day

Dammi un bacio. – Give me a kiss.


If you want to tell these love phrases on the telephone you can watch this video lesson :

 Telephone conversation in italian


If you have any questions about Conversation in italian at the airport  leave a comment below .

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