Modal verbs in italian Do you know what are modal verbs in italian ? Do you know when and howContinue reading
Categoria: Italian Grammar
Learn Italian grammar : Italian alphabet, italian articles, italian names, italian grammar exercises, italian nouns, italian pronouns, italian verbs …..
Italian verbs : FARE
Italian verbs : FARE Do you know how to use the italian verb FARE ? In this lesson ” ItalianContinue reading
Italian subjunctive – Il congiuntivo
Italian subjunctive – Il modo congiuntivo In this lesson we’ll talk about the italian subjunctive ( Il modo congiuntivo in italianoContinue reading
Comparatives and superlatives in italian language
I comparativi e superlativi (comparatives and superlatives) In this lesson you can learn comparatives and superlatives in italian language IContinue reading
Italian adjectives – Describe a person
Italian adjectives – How to describe a person in italian (Watch the video !) If you have to describe aContinue reading
Use of Apostrophe in italian language (‘)
USE OF APOSTROPHE IN ITALIAN LANGUAGE In this lesson we’ll talk about the use of apostrophe in italian language: The apostropheContinue reading
Italian verbs
Italian verbs The verb is the variable part of the speech; its variability responds to 4 features The tense :Continue reading
Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives – Learn Italian language
POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS I PRONOMI E GLI AGGETTIVI POSSESSIVI In this lesson we’ll talk about possessive pronouns and adjectives in italian I possessiviContinue reading
Personal pronouns – Pronomi-Learn italian – grammar
Personal pronouns In this lesson we’ll learn to use personal pronouns in italian I PRONOMI Il pronome è quella parte delContinue reading
Learn italian – Lesson 5 – PROPER AND COMMON NOUNS
Learn italian – PROPER AND COMMON NOUNS NOMI PROPRI E NOMI COMUNI ENGLISH Hi all friends, today I am inContinue reading
Italian articles – determinative and indeterminative articles
Articoli determinativi e indeterminativi In italiano l’articolo ha due caratteristiche: 1 ) l’articolo precede sempre ilContinue reading
Italian Grammar lesson 1 – Alphabet
Italian grammar : Alphabet In this lesson you can learn italian alphabet a set of letters or symbols in aContinue reading
Lezione 3 – Italian Numbers from 1 to 20 – Numeri da 1 a 20
Italian Numbers from 1 to 20 In this lesson we’ll know the numbers from 1 to 20 in Italian Language IContinue reading