Italian meats – Learn italian food names

Italian meats – Names of foods in italian language

In this video lesson we’ll talk about  italian meats names. We’ll learn the names of different types of meat in italian, how to pronunce their name.

In questa video lezione parleremo dei nomi della carne in italiano. Impareremo i nomi dei diversi tipi di carne in italiano e la loro pronuncia.



Italian meats

Carne di maiale – Pork

Italian meats - pork meat

Pollo – Chicken

Pollo - Chicken

Carne di manzo –Beef

Manzo - Beef

Agnello – Lamb

Lamb meat

Tacchino – Turkey

Turkey meat

Anatra – Duck

Italian meats - duck


Vitello – Veal

Italian meats - veal - vitello

Coniglio – Rabbit

rabbit meat

Pancetta – Bacon

Bacon in italian language

Involtini di carne – Rolls

involtini - rolls

Prosciutto crudo – raw ham

Prosciutto crudo - raw ham

Prosciutto cotto – backed ham

Prosciutto cotto - backed ham

Salame – Salami

Salame - Salami

Salsiccia – Sausage

Salsiccia - Sausage

Al ristorante puoi ordinare – At the restaurant you can ask
– Una bistecca al sangue – rare steak
– Una bistecca di media cottura – medium steak
– Una bistecca ben cotta – well done steak

Italian meats names

If you want to learn how to order food in italian at the restaurant⇐ Watch this video lesson

Se vuoi imparare come ordinare da mangiare e da bere al ristorante guarda questa

video lezione.

Other video lessons that you can watch :

Names of fruit in italian

Names of vegetables in italian





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